How to prevent PowerShell from prompting on Mandatory parameter on CI

Tsuyoshi Ushio
1 min readMar 5, 2021

When we use the mandatory parameter with PowerShell, it prompts. I’m considering using the script on the Continuous integration, so that I don’t want it.


[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Number of the Stage. e.g. 0")]
Write-Host $stage

Execute it

> mv .\ParamPike.ps1 .\ParamSpike.ps1
PS C:\Users\tsushi\Code\PowerShell> .\ParamSpike.ps1
cmdlet ParamSpike.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)

Oh. This is what I want to avoid in CI environment. I want some option like -y of the apt-get .


Don’t need it. The king of powershell told me.

If this is invoked directly from an interactive session, yes, otherwise — no, this will just cause an exception.

I tested with Azure DevOps, it successfully fail without prompt!!!!

Execute the PowerShell without the parameter

Why I wrote it?

I search on the internet and disillusioned the workaround for example, $sourceVersion=$(throw “The sourceValueis mandatory, please provide a value. e.g. -sourceVersion 3.0.15417”) It works, however, I was wondering if there is better approach. For someone who is the same as me.

